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Quick fish at schultz


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I went down for a quick fish at schultz after picking up my new squidgy spinnerbait rod, only fished for an hour and caught no fish. Still a nice way to spend an hour,

Got down to the bridge and decided to walk across the flats.. big mistake, it looked solid enough but was still soft and squishy, got mud all over my thongs and managed to get my backpack muddy as well...

First few casts and got a tail bitten off the SP, after that was one small bump but nothing after that,

tried a berkley frenzy but kept getting leaves on the trebles impeding the action, so no luck there.

I did manage to snag a crabpot, didn't look like it was in too bad a condition, but I didn't want to lug it back to the car and get the car muddy, it still had a long rope attached so didn't look like the owner tried to sink it, I left it hanging near the bank in case the owner came back. What do you guys do when you snag stuff like that? throw it back or bring it home? or just dump it?

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if its all stuffed i bin it, if its still baited with no float and no one around i leave it on the bank as i would imagin they would be quite pissed when they find there pot outa the water with no crabs, i have lost enough gear to bloody unmarked pots with hidden lines to give a shit so its a little pay back thing

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yeah the one i snagged up wasn't too stuffed up, seemed usable with a bit of a clean, still I'd imagine it'll have to have been down there a couple of days at least, like i said there was still a long rope attached so I think it must have been lost and not purposely left out.

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