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Mystery Fish ID, please!!


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Will post the pics later, but see if you can ID it from the description. I've done a cursory search around the internot and can't find it. No pics please, just have a guess. Winner gets a hearty "well done you!" next time I sees yer!!

Caught in Tingalpa Creek off Rickett's Rd Bridge on a raw servo prawn, no real fight to it.

Approx 35cm long, very thin, silvery, forked yellow tail, top and bottom fin yellow and quite small and way towards the back. Side fins small yellow and up the front. Single gills, big eyes, pointy nose, well gnarly teeth. I know it will be a common fish to you guys, but it's the first time I've seen one.

Released unharmed.

Thanks in advance!!

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No size or bag limits. They are good live bait for most larger fish but are just as good as fresh cut bait for smaller fish. I have eaten them crumbed and fried but everything tastes good like that.

Watch out for the teeth as i witnessed a young bloke at woody point a few years back stick one under his armpit to steady the fish for hook removal and the fish latched onto his nipple and was not going to let go. Everyone standing by tried to help him get the fish off by laughing as loudly as we could as he was yelling which must have worked because the fish eventually let go after about 30 seconds.

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