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LNP Releases Rec Fishing Policy


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Today at Wellington Point the LNP released its long awaited Rec Fishing Policy. Under the LNP fisherman will been able to fish in the green zones for one year until a full scientific review is done on all the green zones in Moreton Bay. As well as that there will be 40 boat ramps upgrades for Qld. This is a good start but i think we have a ways to go.

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To sum up his speech it was "boaties, boaties, boaties..." I don't have a boat but the implication with Green Zones to all fisho's is pretty serious. Interesting that LNP have recognised that it is a sore point and are at least promising to review it. How they can justify spending $3M on a 12 month review though! Take several scientists, pay they for 12 months, plus resource costs and I would have thought several hundred thou, not several M!!! I think I just hate politicians fullstop.

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This'll be my first vote for the Libs in many years outside council level.

I've been waiting for 18 months and now it's time for a pedicure so I can vote with my feet. :laugh:

Decision based solely on this issue alone.

(Oh and also as another opportunity for a No against the Greens Party)

1 year reprieve and then a decision based on science and not political payoffs (which is about all we ever wanted)

Thanks for posting mate:) :)

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Feral wrote:


They will just let us fish it for a year longer then lock us out.

Unless he promises to abolish them totally, he wont be buying my vote on that issue.

Feral we know how you vote Regardless of the issues and we know all politicians word is not 100% but this state need a change cheers

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Ah you remember my Anti Johnny stance - well thats what is was anti johnnie! not anti conservative.

This time I will most likely be voting national, but not for that bulldust!

I've always been a swinging voter, but the list of things Anna has done to p!ss me orf is enough that unless Springborg says he is going to do something really drastic like introduce a congestion tax, he will get my vote. No real need for me to weigh the pro's and cons on this one!

So yes I agree we need a change!

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I know you wrote that you didn't care who people voted for etc but it does need to be carefully considered.My friend was 23(or younger)when he ran under the one nation banner for the Burnett region about ten years back.He beat the sitting candidate on primaries but lost out on preferences.It's a bloody shame that the majority of people voted for him and due to back door deals, he wasn't able to represent his region.

The point of my post is that regardless of who you vote for, YOU MUST really think about who your votes are for and know who they align their preferences with.Someone may hate labour and wouldn't vote for them if threatened but you may be unknowingly voting for them if you don't do your homework.

Make it count now more than ever.I do think that there will be another mutiny with the Bligh name(in similar way Jeff Kennett lost the unloseable election some years back in Victoria) but history can repeat.Look at old Johnnie, He was deemed not good enough to be his party leader at one stage then Australia endorsed him once he was resinstated years later.Might be dejavu with Springborg mark 2.Just my thoughts no rambling meant.



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