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drifting livies


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hi all,

since i just got my electric set up and am ready to do some serious drift fishing, i thought i would ask some basic questions.

so far all my boat fishing has been at anchor in the river, i've never really done or tried drifting so i'm not sure of the following:

say you are drifting along a dropoff about halfway along in the 5-6m area, would you normally use a running sinker with as little weight as possible, or do you want to be "dragging" a slightly heavier sinker along the bottom to kick up some mud etc?

would you try (in 0 wind situations) and drift with the tide matching the speed of the current, with the tide but going slower than the current, with the tide but faster than the current, or would you try and slowly go against current using the leccy?

when drifting livies do you set the drag to working level or leave it freespooling with just enough pressure to prevent line being played out under the drift

and last but not least, when drifting with the current do you find that fish will hit the bait and swim with the current (i.e back towards the boat) and in that case do you just wait for sudden slack line and then strike?

sorry for the onslaught but this style of fishing is new to me so i thought i'd tap into the knowledge banks :D

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herring, prawns, mullet (big ones for big jewies!) gar pike etc lol

usually hit up a number of different dropoffs around the river, where we usually anchor depends on what we're after but more often than not around halfway down the edge

i can only assume that drifting livies along the dropoff will be more productive than anchoring at one point along it as more ground is covered, but yeah as stated above i'm not sure on the particulars



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not really sure there, my bet would be throw out the pick and berley a lil, bring those fish to you. after all how's that, how's it been going for you that way? you find a good thing, stick to it. fishing in close to rock walls and that, yeah go the leccy! bigger liveis can be troublemakers at times in shallow water, you'll see what i mean.

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yeah i know what you mean about bigger livies, but on average our livies are mid-sized herring and thereabouts, only occasionally bust out the big mullet

anchoring has been going alright for us but alot of nights its a very long waiting game and i just get the feeling we could be doing better by covering more ground

mostly though i think the leccy will be used for drifting the wharves and throwing plastics and vibes for the holy trinity (snapper, jew, threadfin) but on those days where we feel like soaking some baits i was looking for another thing to try

after all trying new things is what its all about :D

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