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Harsh fines


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its good to see that the fines being handed out to illegal fishings is getting serious.

A man has been fined $10,000 by Caboolture Magistartes after being caught woth a large amount of jennies, and under sizes muddies. I am tired of seeing poople continually getting away with undersized catches or just illegal fish/catches.

i am all for harsh fines, and hope to see them get harsher!

That said, it was the 3rd time the dude had appeared in court over illegal catches.

Good on the caboolture Shire, keep it up!

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Too true Angus. when it comes to sizes etc, i use slogan \"when in doubt, throw it back!\"

Lets face it, if your umming and arrring over whether its legal, u might aswell throw it back as its obviously not that good anyway.

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I couldn't agree more Dave. Dont get me wrong i'd say we've all made mistakes, but they're just that, mistakes. Its the people who continously, and knowingly, disregard the rules who annoy me.

This also includes rubbish dumping. There will allways be some collateral damage, but it angers me when u go to some spots and see how poeple have left it. Its disgusting.

I can say that so far all the boys from here i've been fishing with have been very good at cleaning up.

Well done boys!

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