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new luck with bullys and threadies


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after just catching a few bream and cattys i recently started aiming for threadys and bullys.

i had nothing for a few weeks on a basic rod with a pretty heavy set up but Kept on getting snapped off so i went to bcf, got a hand line for $15 with 100lb line and chuckd a masive hook on with no swivles and jingle jangles and have pulled up 3 bullies in 3 seshing in the last week.

and yesterday i went to kmart got my self a decent-ish rod and got some wire chases. had a cast with my net thismorning pulled in a couple of prawns and got my self 2 little threadies.

i got pics wif my phone but lost the cord so when i get the piks to another fone ill throw them on here.

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