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shark fishing spots, rigs, ect


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Hi, can someone tell me of somewhere I can catch sharks I live in Caboolture but am happy to drive down to Brisbane or sunshine coast. I am fishing from the bank and can you tell me what type and size they might be and what size hook to use and what rig is best and for bait is mullet ok

Thanks Corey Bacon

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I know a place a bit past Brisbane (Victoria Point Jetty. Dont know if you would be willing to travel a little bit further) that my partner used to catch sharks at. Not to sure how its been lately, but he used to catch Bronze whalers, Hammerheads, shovelnosed rays, bull sharks and several unstoppables.

I know that he used to use heavy surf gear for catching them and he use to use whole bottle squid and live herrings for bait. I cant really answer any more of your questions mate, sorry.

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hey mate i know theres alot of bull sharks around deception bay but the waters abit cool for them atm. Live mullet is probably the best bait for them around there and the hook size really depends on what size of shark you wanna target and how heavier your leader is. If you can get a small stingy ray around 15-25cm that will work well to have seen a few of the larger stingy rays dead on low tide with big bite marks out of them

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shimanobwoie is right its a bit cold atm but there was a report last week forgot who it was landed one and lost on another.

most people use live mullet (emphasis on live) with a hook through the back being careful not to break the spinal chord so it can still swim. there should be bullies in the Caboolture river if you cant find any give it a go when the weather warms up a bit. your most likely to get something under the meter mark.

use a trace that is covered well in plastic

good luck though

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Drive towards beachmere and pull in at monties marina, outgoing tide as its a bit of a bastard to fish incoming, get live bait but if not use half a mullet of half a chicken breast, stick around 5/0 hook 1 meter from the running ball sinker with a short bit of plastic coated wire, they dont like bear metal.... that should get you going but as the others say it might be getting a bit cool

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I personally wouldnt even use the wire trace just a decent leader ( 80lbs -150lb). The only reason i wont use steel trace for most small sharks is while waiting for the bite theres more of a chance getting a by catch with just mono leader and if you use larger circle hooks you wont have to worry about getting bite off but if u are trying to catch 1m plus and go with wire trace.

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Waters getting to cold for them Now ,but if you try down by collages crossing Near Ipswich or the Brisbane river at Goodna around the boat ramp ,In the right weather temp they Bite like nothing on earth .Good sizes to be caught there .

I usually bait up with live cat fish I catch when down there .

Tight lines for next year .

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