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Anglers paradise 22/5


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Hit the ramp at anglers paradise (Runaway bay) at 5am, still dark and relatively cool. The plan was to target bream, with poppers first up then sp's. Started flicking the bushies top dog surface lure at likely spots without much love, plenty of follows and boils but no hook ups :( As the sun got higher I swapped over to the new setup and began flicking sp's and thought to myself, 'wouldn't be a laugh to get a fish on the first cast of the new rod'. And sure enough it happened, with a litle flounder :laugh:


Continued on along the canals flicking a 2inch baby shrimp and wrigler in sand worm. Second fish on the new gear was a 40cm flatty :cheer:


Bumped into many bream whilst the current was moving with a few legal fish and many dust offs (hard work on 2lb and 4lb leader)



And finally after trying for just over a year I caught a whiting on a lure :woohoo: Even though it was by-catch and very small I still had a whoo hoo monment.


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