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Newbie - new rod/reel combo at Raby Bay


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Hi all this is only my second post (and the first one was a "What is this?" )

Today started out pretty good , had decided that the KMART super $40 special needed an upgrade so headed over to Tackle Warehouse and picked up a VERY nice combo (in comparison to the KMART special). Ended up with a spin combo - Shimano Rack raider 682 with a Shimano 2500FA reel. Man what a difference it makes to have something decent in your hands.

Headed out to Raby bay to flick a few lures , plastics around. Spent a couple of hours flicking bits and pieces around- a few good hits but nothing landed. almost ready to chuck it in, decided to have a crack at some new hooks and some beef as bait. Ended up having a ball on the light tackle.

Ended up with the a mixed bag , some I know, some I do not......

Not 100% sure on this guy ??

[img size=400]http://lh3.ggpht.com/_-Nu8odxukBw/S_pQL-ZV7LI/AAAAAAAAAPo/bUJ3VkUUgvo/s400/5.jpg

Small Bream , managed a few some bigger , some smaller ...

[img size=400]http://lh5.ggpht.com/_-Nu8odxukBw/S_pQPxOHx3I/AAAAAAAAAOQ/bK-8hCyy5Gs/s400/2.jpg

My PB smallest fish on a hook :cheer:

[img size=400]http://lh5.ggpht.com/_-Nu8odxukBw/S_pQRSCpQsI/AAAAAAAAAPE/0SBki62xeJ0/s400/3.jpg

And this one bites !!! learnt that the hard way

[img size=400]http://lh5.ggpht.com/_-Nu8odxukBw/S_pW_QLdbTI/AAAAAAAAAQY/8KGfJNgXx50/s400/1photo.jpg

Thanks for looking.....

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