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Landbased Squidding Tip


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Havnt seen many reports on landbased fishos getting into any squid.... Ive been getting a few most nights, and sight casting for them..

Few pointers, go now while there is plenty of moon, theyre around without the moon but seem to feed harder with the light.

2nd, as i sight cast for them i use a small jig and cut the weight right down so as the jig sinks as slow as possible without screwing up the action, 99% of them will hit on the drop... Hope this helps cos they taste awesome on the BBQ :PP1010147-20100525.JPG

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stewie wrote:

Keep the tips coming Travis. I am taking notes and intend to nail a few around the Redcliffe mariners / jetties this Winter (when I get a free night that is). BTW thanks for the tips thus far.


I went down to woody point jetty as the wind was blowing strait into my usual spot.... theres heaps down there at the moment, and big ones too... dont get tempted to walk all the way down the end either, at hight tide they were right up to the bank

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Good stuff damien

And Death ray i just hang around a light and once your eyes adjust you can see then come into the rocks for a feed... also have a head lamp if i go for a wander up further but you can usually see a white or black shadow depending on what colour they feel like being at the time

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Victoria pt and woody pt jetties are 2 great places for squidding. I prefer victoria point for sight squidding cos you tend to get more calmer nights there which makes it alot easier to see the squid. I like to set up beside a light and cast out just past it's glow. bringing the lure back slow with gentle raises of the rod tip. If the jig your using doesn't seem to be attracting them or it is interesting them but your not getting hook ups try a slightly different pace or a different colour lure.

- It can make all the difference-. ;)

also try dropping straight down over the side of the jetty on the side the tide is flowing from so that the jig is taken under the jetty. I often find squid hanging around the pylons.

Remember squid are not only smart, they also have good eyesight - so if you can see them they can see you - so keeping your movements minimal may also increase your catch.

Good luck!


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