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Help with Mooloolaba conditions for saturday 12/6


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Can anyone help with expected conditions offshore from mooloolaba this saturday?

trying to convince the old man to take the boat up to mooloolaba to have a crack on the gneerings, murphs or caloundra reefs this saturday and need some back-up from more expreienced boaters.

we'll be heading out in a 5.4m quinny if we go, or would it be better to stay in the bay?

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If I'm not too knackered after Boat Rock on Friday I may be going out of Mooloolaba Saturday with my younger son, I use the web site Willys weather

the bay is really protected and if the wind is as it says on the forecast you shpould be okay around the Gneerings then see what its like from there, but as its been said before "The Wind Lies"

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Going on those sites it looks a goer, with a bit of chop on a small swell and light winds.


and the BOM site

suggest the wind will be up a bit.

Book it in and check the forecast again tomorrow, I'd say.

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thanks guys,

we're both constantly checking the BOM site, willy weather, seabreeze and coastwatch.

i've been out off there plenty of times in smaller boats (4.2m) in the similar conditions, he just needs to hear it from people with more experience (ie. other than his son). i'll be talking to him tonight and convincing him.

otherwise, it'll be a case of finding a spot in the carparks of mud, peel or harrys

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just talked with him, he's a bit iffy at the moment, told him i'd give him an update tomorrow. fingers crossed.

does morning or evening sound better? i am thinking sat morning as friday is so calm and it's building to 25 knots on sunday.

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Just a quick info update it was on the Sunshine Coast Local news at 6pm that the Moolooaba Classic Yaught race is on starting tomorrow. it may be worh checking for saturday too, it will be pretty busy in the area if its on so I would check with the Voluteer Coast Guard maybe

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thanks daveylad,

just checked the race website, first race on saturday is at 11am more than likely be back in by then. And if we head out late, the final race is "after race 3" with a post race bbq sometime in the afternoon, everyone should be back in by then. if the coast guard ramps are too busy, we'd just launch on the otherside of the river at the harbour pde ramp at pt cartwright.

i've thought of everything. now its just a matter of talking dad into it, or if i'm really lucky, borrowing the boat!

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I wouldn't bother in that boat in those conditions. Just me probably a bit over conservative. I would be hitting somewhere like Raper's. Lot more sheltered in a southerly and you can ride with the wind on your way home if it blows up.

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yeah i've looked at thursday/friday. have to work, but we're hoping it continues into the weekend. we have to do some things to dad's boat anyway - all round white light moving to ontop of the canopy, fix the rocket launcher my father in-law snapped off when i borrowed the boat and i'm looking at making a new rod & reel purchase before next weekend anyway. nothing high end, only on apprentice wages!

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