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coombabah 12/13/06/2010


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hi all

just a quick report. headed down coombabah way and had a cruise around. had a flick on saturday with dad. (dad suffers from chronic migraines so he hasn't gone fishing sicne 2003 when he was forced to leave work :/ )anyway we had a fish in one of the canals and got a couple of bream that went in the esky. then we tried one of the flats with blades. first cast i was onto a nice flathead of 51cms. then the fishing went quiet and dads headaches was getting worse so we headed in. next day we put the boat in and i went for a drive around in search of some tailor. when dad dropped me in the water his golden rule for the day was "stay out of the broadwater as it will be chaos." we both did not know where the broadwater was so i was pretty safe from finding my way their. anyway went for a long drive and found some birds diving and splashes on the surface :o so i was straight in with a blade. first cast i was onto a nice tailor. into the esky. next cast i was onto a small tailor which was released. then a little more flicking and in came some small bream. got 5 or 6 bream while working the blade back fast on the surface :/ bit weird. but ended up with 2 keeper tailor for the table along with the flathead and bream so dad was relatively happy as he misses going up to fraser during the tailor season.

thanks for reading

pat Flathead_and_Bream.jpg

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