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Raby Bay Canals


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Hi all.

First post here, this looks like a great community of great people here and I look forward to being a part of it =).

I have been doing a fair amount of fishing the last two weeks (and would have been today too if it weren't for the rain :( ) mostly around the raby bay canals off the public jetty's in there. Alot of people tend to pass it off in there as poor fishing but its a 5 minute drive down there for me, and provides a great oppertunity to get outdoors...

I am a fairly inexperienced angler but from the last couple of months I have learnt alot and things are turning around for me :laugh: .

So the last week I have been fishing the run out tide from early morning through to about midday for alot of bream, moses perch, cod and happy moments. Not a great deal are of eating size but that doesn't bother me greatly as I fish for fun and not food, and the few larger ones provide plenty of fight on my light tackle.

Anybody else here have much luck down there? I find that my best results are on unweighted baits floated into schools of Butter Bream, and if it survives the pickers the bream will be sitting right underneath them waiting to hit anything deemed edible by the little ones.

I plan on heading out to the western entrance as soon as the weather clears to try my luck again, hoping for some larger fish, a large flathead or cod would be great but I wont hold my breath :P ....



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Hi Jordan.

Before I started fishing lures I used to fish whole pillies on gangs unweighted off my old mans boat in the canals. Some of the better catches were a 70cm Estuary Cod and a 44cm Bream. Dead low tide seemed to work best soaking the baits. Had to put in plenty of hours though. If it was on you could have a great session but you could go three or four sessions without a legal fish.

If you can have a go in summer on a hot steamy afternoon fishing for Jacks around structure. Flicking hardbodies or plastics will work. Manns stretch 5+ and Bevi shads go alright in Hardbodies. 4 inch plastics or even a decent livie will do the trick. You can also get squire, queenies and trevs at times near the mouths. But still need to put in the hours.

Good luck.

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Heyy Jordan..

I too am quite fond of the canals but have little no luck majority of the time xD

I am more into the lures side of fishing though, as i have been fishing the canals a lot over the past year i have found that certain things are good at certain places. If you fish the second entrance of the canals (one with the beachy bit on low tide) you are best off using hardbodies or smaller baits. The second entrance is great for soft plastics and up to any size bait. Also near the surf rescue works well dad caught him self a 50+ flatty the other day..

Best Of Luck, maybe ill see you around there sometime :) i'll be the one in the AFO shirt hahahaha

P.S. I have practically no luck actually in the canals but you seem to be doing well:) its better in summer, autumn

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sup jordan,

I and a few buddies of mine have been (and will be) quite regular in the raby bay canal area, and I must say, the place has produced our best results. there is such a wide variety of fish!!!

these last two weeks have been just poor weather, but that rain didnt stop us from wetting our lines, and every other part of bodies. This morning was OK, with quite a bit of squire/snapper in the area , well thats all we caught, oh yeah and not to forget, one unstoppable too.

I have not noticed any definite trend, but generally it seems like the fish tend to bite early mornings and at sunset, also either side of high tide, but then again there have been times when we'd catch fish at random times lol. I guess thats the reason why i joined this forum: to discover.

maybe i'll meet you one of these days whilst 'canalising'

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Hey Clevo, good to hear of some action in places that I'm unfamiliar with as I'm a 'roach who moved up here 2 years ago.

Good to have another Blue Oval fan on board too.

Lookin' forward to some more reports.

WOOT WOOT yeah up the mighty blues :)

Mighty? Why have we won the last 5 games then? hehehe....

And yes, I love Ford but am also a huge fan of Holden. I did most of my L-plate hours in a VYII Clubsport hehe... I think Ausies make the best cars in the world! Big grunty engines, for big grunty cars... that you can get the groceries in =D.

ahmedy14: yeh, unstobables are frustrating lol... I'm inclined to think a rather large Cod stole my hook last week =(. At least we know there are big fish in there lol.

JamesMac: I started off flicking lures down there without much sucess . I tend to get alot of pike on little flickbaits and have also hooked a very small cod and a very sizable long-tom had a go at it too... I switched over to bait when I had some spare pillies and a tiny hook and thought "why not?" =p.

I have seen a few people flicking around that little patch at the VMR too but never thought much of it, might have to give it a go...

whatscrackin: I am keen to try for Jacks and have heard they are in there but am not overly confident in my abilities to find/hook them...

If anybodies around there having a cast, I'm the bloke in the Black Akubra =)



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I go fishing down there quite a bit being a Cleveland local, sometimes there are some good tailor running through. Off the rock walls i have caught small hammerheads, but to those who have been spooled, there are plenty of rays down that way and a TON of pike eels. I caught one about 2m one evening in the marina. Have caught a 42cm estuary cod down there as well, never actually caught a jack down there which is sad because I'd love too. Some good flathead at the mouths, Tailor at the mouths, a few small whiting there too. Good bream in the canals, i find i do best for Bream in the winter months on an incoming tide, at night, particularly on a new moon. I find the best bait at this time is hardyheads, as there's plenty of them running around that system, for plastics, 2 inch grubs in a dark brown colour or anything that resembles a hardyhead. Lot's of shovelnose in there also. Best of luck mate, will see you down there some time.

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