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shorncliffe jetty ?


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Hey guys, I was searching on google earth and noticed there was a bit of a long jetty at shorncliffe...never fished there before? Im just wondering if anyone has fished there, if so, is it deep at the end of the jetty or should I use a surf rod to cast it out into the deep? I have no info about the fishing here as Ive looked everywhere...

cheers guys!

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Haven't fished it before but have heard it doesn't fish that great cos the ones who do take EVERYTHING, bait fish the lot. I've walked it once and can confirm that is the case, there was a group of people all along the jetty and everything went into their buckets. Disgraceful :angry:

I have heard the Woody Point jetty is good though, its just over the bridge into Redcliffe.

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ive had some great fishing off the jetty over the yrs it does take a bit to learn how to fish it id try some unweighted peeled prawn flicked under the jetty on 6lb flouro and a small hook this should get some nice bream of the far end if you chuck out wide youll get some sting rays ive sen some largeish sharks come in over the yrs 1 notable large tiger i missed it but it was friggen big .

just remember your standing on the structure so dont cast away from it

hope this helps


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Try the new fishing platform on the new Ted Smout Bridge going to Redcliffe. The platform is accessed by parking at Decker Park at Brighton and walking/ riding bike out along to the fishing platform under half way across. Has deeper water to the southern end even at low tide. New and somewhat not yet discovered by everyone so get in quick. Check it out on Google maps

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... try some unweighted peeled prawn flicked under the jetty on 6lb flouro and a small hook this should get some nice bream... just remember your standing on the structure so dont cast away from it

Have to agree with faulked, I've caught some nice fish in and around the pylons...


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hey i have fished hear alot in the last 8 months caught some good flathead, bream, big tailor and a mac tuna. but theres is only a couple of baits that work best there is live mullet, or if give them a strip and but them on no sinker and drop them under the bride u get them . theres a few shark there 2 but i wold chase them there to rare to catch best bet is to go there at night with a cork handle and a little reel and a lose drag some time u get shit loads


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I usually fish between the end and middle of the jetty where the undercover area is with the table and chairs. I usually just use prawns and drop them under the jetty near the pylons and I usually catch bream and flounder under there. When I cast out away from the bridge I have caught stingrays, flathead and shovel nose shark. It is a good place to go if you just want to fish cause you could get pretty much everything towards the end of the jetty.

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cheers guys but ive actually got my sights on gold coasts seaway...bout 500 meters away from the jetty on the beach...heard there's a good gutter for bream flatties and big tailors, any ideas if its true? just that missus brought me a new spanking surf rod and i want to give it a go, hence why iv been looking for somewhere where I can really use it :D but thanks all for the advices...got them all written down (cheated with a printer really) ..always handy to know spots though :D dont care if I get stingrays...i miss the sound of the big reel just dragging my line out to god knows where :D :D

Seaway beach - good? Prepared for a 2am rise and be there by 4am latest in the morning!

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