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Rainy bream session


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woke up this morning to the drissle im sure 99% of brisbane had as well. started heading to my usual bass spots for the usual bass session.

now these spots are dicey in a two wheel drive car in the dry, with the rain they are no go zones, and being to lazy to walk i kept driving to find myself at deep water bend.

ive never had a crack at this bream on lures thing, with my only lure caught bream being my PB at my bass fishing spot. anywayz dropped my leader to 4lb and tied on the Damiki MU. After a about 40 mins i finaly got my first (targeted) bream on lure, @ 26FL i was pretty chuffed with myself.



As i walked down the rock wall i was amazed by the amount of bait fish scattering, the end result was 3 bream for an hours work. i could get hooked on this, just have to sought my boat out first!




thanks for reading.


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