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NPD 26/3/11.


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Went to NPD this morning with Tai and George.

Found out that someone thinks that my new shrimp traps are pretty good as they lifted two of them. Cut the floats off and left them in the Lillys.

Any how back to the good stuff George has never been fishing before so he was pretty chuffed to catch his first fish. A gar.


No tilapia today but we ended up with around 20 gar and the usual lot of these


This is what Tai and George will be spending nthe next couple of hours sorting and cleaning.


Pretty certain that George has seen the light.

Thanks for the company and assistance it was an enjoyable day.



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An awesome day Ray, Thank you for taking us out. George had a smile from ear to ear from NPD all the way back to sunnybank.

Haha, George is a very busy man, deveining the redclaws as we speak, gave all of them to his family.

His family said A BIG THANK YOU RAY :) :) They're having family reunion BBQ on tonight so perfect timing!

Love your work once again Ray!

cheers ;)

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