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First whiting on topwater


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Had the day off so took a friends tinny out from karuah on the nsw hunter coast. Found a nice little channel with a rocky oyster encrusted shoreline on one side and oyster racks on the other. It was overcast so I started throwing round a megabass dog x jr. After a few missed strikes a silver flash came up tight. A short but spirited fight produced my first top water whiting at 33cm :woohoo: . A short while later a mid 40s flat head smashed the dog x.

At this point the sun came out so I switched to a tilsan bass and picked up three more flathead. Two in the 40s and the best of the day going 53cm. With enough for a feed I got off the water before it blew up.

Workin off my phone atm but will get pics up if I get a chance.



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