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Wire Trace v Fluorocarbon Leaders


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Can someone please shed some light on this for me.

Why use a flourocarbon leader over a wire trace of the same breaking strain? When do you use what?

Ive been using a 40lb wire trace with my pillys, mainly because i was getting sick of sharks breaking me off but does this decrease the likelyhood of catching fish?

Also is a shock leader the same as the flourocarbon leader?

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True Shock Leader is a special kind of Mono - it is specifically made to withstand the "shock" when a large fish bites and also has a lot more anti abrasive capabilities then normal mono. It fits somewhere in the middle of the food chain between mono and fluorocarbon in terms of quality and price. Flurocarbon is the best "Shock Leader" as it normally has additional qualities such as a dual core so if the outer core gets damaged by teeth or reef for example the inner core will enable you to continue to try and land the fish. But of course you only get what you pay for..and like the old castrol ad used to say " oils aint oils" well flurocarbon aint always pure flurocarbon unfortunately.

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Thanks mate, that must be why a trace is is cheap and the prices at bcf for the leaders is a bit scary for some of the dearer ones. Is there a guide for what strength leader one should use for certain fish?

THere are no rules really. It deepnds on the type of fish you are chasing and the conditions of the day. Certainly you should always fish as light as possible, particulary with lures as a heavy leader can ruin a lure action. However sometimes you just need the heavy stuff. For example at Lake Awoonga when chasing Barra, we use 30lb braid tied to 80 or sometimes even 100lb leader because of the sharp gill rakes of the Barra. Similarly when chasing toothy fish such as Mackerel, a much stroner leader is needed.

If you can get to the Warehouse sale next weeknd you can talk to Herath Zygnerski about it after he has finished his talk.

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i was under the inpression , that this magical fluro carbon was less sensative to light reflecting through it, hence why all the lads fishin lite gear used the gear, so as not to spooke the fish. with beams of sunlight, or light from nearby lights when night fishing at night. personally i have fished with guys that use fluro religiously, and rant you just have to use it, and i always have a word to say when the first fish has been caught. along with a sarcastic laugh.personally i believe it's yet another ploy for a lot of ppl to depart company with their hard earned for what is essentially mono with a flash name, as stated earlier. there is fluro and then there is fluro. so what is the difference there,is it fluro or not. it should be that simple. either yes or no, and if not a true fluro, why the hefty price tag?. try an experiment seeing how fluro is so expensive when compared to mono, is it that hard to try both side by side. or is this fluro all in ppl's heads. just try the 2 side by side, you might learn a thing or 2, and not only for 1 or 2 trips. keen for ppls responses here now !


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agree with you rob i use it cos its meant to be the bees knees but personally i dont think it matters the same as buying a stella and a sienna unless u are trying to target massive gts etc the bit smoother drag and that isnt going to land a fish any better imo. a smooth drag is important but how smooth can u get :P

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Genuine 100% pure Flurocarbon definately is a class product partucularly if it has a dual core as i indicated earlier. It also ratins less memory than mono and is completely invisible. There are a lot of other technical aspects which i wont bother boring you with.

The problem comes when "Big Names" spe4nd millions of advertisng and the product isnt 100% pure - its actually a blend of flurocarbon and mono. THis means you are paying top dollar for an inferior product.

This is no different to what i explained to everybody a few weeks ago about Braid.

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What do you suggest you look for when buying a fluorocarbon leader? Does the packaging tell you what you are actuallly getting or what?

It would be good for you to post this stuff in the helpful articles section(you probably are....lol)

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What do you suggest you look for when buying a fluorocarbon leader? Does the packaging tell you what you are actuallly getting or what?

It would be good for you to post this stuff in the helpful articles section(you probably are....lol)

I have to be careful what i say because some ppl seem to think the big guys can do no wrong. The packaging SHOULD tell you if its 100% pure flurocarbon and also it should tell you if it uses dual core technology. If the leader has both of these characteristics then its going to be pretty good stuff but probably MORE EXPENSIVE.

I dont have a problem with companies selling blendded fluro as long as its properly disclosed so people know what they are buying. It is when they dont disclose and sell at top price i get cranky. When you have an advertsing budget of many millions of dollars i guess you can bluff or fool a lot of people.

We are about to release a blended product ourselves to cater for the people who dont want to pay the price of our 100% pure dual core stuff. Our packaging and catalogues and website will clearly identify the 2 as being quite different and also there will be about a 25% reduction in the selling price.

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