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Great sunrise and Bass


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I Woke up early this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. So I went for a solo mission to my spot for a fish before work. I Arrived about an hour before first light at about 4:30 am. I somehow managed to find my spot in the dark using only my headlamp.

The air was bitterly cold, I honestly thought this would shut the Bass down for the morning. The sky was still pitch black, I couldn't even see where I was casting so I fished a part of the creek which I was sure is pretty safe from snags.

I decided to use a new sx40 I bought. I cant remember the colour code but it's a great colour for night time. Started fishing when I arrived, I didn't have a good feeling with these cold temps. I was just throwing my SX around aimlessly due to the dark, when a nice 43 cm Bass hit it. I was stoked and also quite surprised because I really didn't expect it.

A little while later, as the sun was starting to peer thru the sky, I had another hookup. The Bass hit my lure as soon as I cranked it. This time a solid 48 cms. The photo was terrible so i deleted it. Good, clean healthy bass like they've all been. As I watched it swim away, I wanted to stay and fish. But I had to be at work at 730 so I had to go. Was a great sunrise too. Dan

Sorry for photo quality. It was my phone, had to take my own pictures



Nice sx40 for night



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