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Brisbane fly fishers may meeting


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Just a quick reminder that this month's meeting is on Thursday 19th May. Proceedings will kick off at 18:30 or 6:30pm

Venue as always is the Wilston-Grange AFC

End of Babarra St, Stafford QLD 4030

The plan for this month's meeting is to plan for the year ahead now that all the festivities (Xmas, easter, etc.) are done and dusted. Items we hopefully will cover will include:

Informal committee - A show of hands and some additional support in running the club

Activities and Topics - set up a roster to plan the meetings for the upcoming year

Outings - put together a list of group outings and set some dates

Any other business

Fishing talk - truthful and less truthful accounts of all our recent fishing escapades

Meals are also available, the menu for this month is "Chicken Maryland, creamy mushroom and leek sauce, roast potatoes - $15

Those interested in eating dinner at the club must RSVP (brisbaneffc@gmail.com) by Tomorrow 4pm - apologies for the short notice but we need to give them time to cater for us


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