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In search of Aussie Salmon


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Okay i've heard all the reports and the Salmon are being caught in the Seaway off the Tweed, Fingal and anywhere further south. I grew up catching these suckers and am keen to have a shot at them this arvo pissing down rain or not as they are a hoot to catch, kinda like a Kingfish that jumps. So this arvo the kayak stays at home and i'll be heading south to try and catch one. I'll be solo and have a few seats if anyone would be keen to come, I live at Manly and am heading south from there so if you're not to far off the beaten track and are interested in coming post a message or pm me. Gear needed will need to be stout with a strong leader to get the fish over the rocks also you'll get soaking wet. No garuntees of fish either but you never know.



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