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Yakkin the Coomera 3/7/11: Report and Pics


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My plan was to hit the lake section of the Coomera River chasing some GT's or Tailor on surface.

I had high expectations as the last time I fished this spot it really fired up and I scored my first ever GT on popper so I was hoping for a repeat performance.

WayneD bravely volunteered to join me on my mission and we made many a cast and covered plenty of water chasing some action, but alas the fish were few and far between today :(

Despite the overcast and cool conditions there were still a few Jet Ski hoons buzzing all over the place..is there a more annoying noise in the world? :pinch:

I tried all different tactics and lures today, but not surprisingly the only two fish I caught all day were taken by trolling a RMG Scorpion 35 :cheer:

First fish for me was a solid bream that had me off the donut within the first 1/2 hour or so, but from there it was quite a few more hours before I got a healthy flatty on my troll back to the ramp.




Wayne dodged the donut too with a little bream casting at the edges and a few pike too ;)

Always good to get out on the water, and perhaps that will be my last fish with CEDRIC the Hobie?

If so it was a fitting final session...another hard fought battle coming thru with the goods again B)

Thanks for the company Wayne, hope next time we get out for a fish there is more lure munching action to be had ;)

thanks for reading


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