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Fishing = donuts Crabbing = WIN


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Well its been a while since I posted a report due to being super busy with work and having a distinct lack of fish to report on so here goes!

Last week I had my son for school hols and he is very keen to move on from sp fishing for flathead and bream, to getting some drag peeling river action. So I took him with me into the river to chase some larger fish with livies.



(took 6 sandies home from Bribie so it wasn't a total loss. These I let my son keep for his mum and brothers)

After four or five donut plagued trips fishing around the mouth of brekky creek, the pipeline. And snot weed and wind filled trip to Bribie camping, I decided to drop the pots I had on me for an overnight set and see if I could get a muddie or two on the way home from dropping my son off.

I arrived at the ramp at 2pm, set the pots, and went out to the channel with some hardy heads I had caught in the net that day to fish for an hour and a half, before checking, and re-deploying the pots.

While in the channel I got absolutely smashed twice just on the turn of the tide, but to no avail :angry:

Anyway with the sun slowly going down and a flat battery I headed in to check the pots. To my pleasant surprise two one good sized full buck in each. :woohoo: In the ice slurry they go and I am on my was home, chuffed, with thoughts of full pots in the morning.

Anyway the morning did not come as I got a little excited at the pub watching the game and had to give myself time to ensure I was sober to drive. So I head down early afternoon wondering if they are still there, or if my zip tied entries have been cut and was pleasantly surprised! Over 4 pots, I pulled out seven keepers. Admittedly 3 were not very full so I released these. One pot had 2 keepers, 5 just under (2mm or less), and 3 jennies, all involved in a no-holds barred cage fight! It took about 20 mins to seperate them, but I managed to do so with little damage done to the crabs, with the exception of the largest buck dropping his big claw (so he ended up turning into sweet chilli mud crab).


(happy yet still a little dusty from the night before)

So although I am having no luck whatsoever chasing the jewies and threadfin, I was very happy to come home with a nice feed. 2 Crabs to the oldies, 1 droppped in for my son, 1 for lunch today, and two cooked up as Sweet Chilli mudcrab for lunch with my mate tomorrow.

Cheers Andrew

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Thanks guys, yes I am happy with the feed, and so is the family I shared it with! I thought my luck would change when I got shat on by a brahminy kite on my way out (apparently its good luck to be shat on by a bird :P ). Definately happy with the feed but really keen to finally get a BR jew or thready, or anything for that matter! At the moment my hands are cut to bits (one by my filleting knife in a zip tie cutting incident, another from a possum scratch and bite from a green tree snake, the rest from cleaning the crabs for everyone), lips are badly chapped (from all the fishing and working in the winds), and my funds are low (from going crazy at BCF and time off work with my son).....but I might get out this evening and have a try around the mouth of Brekky creek again. I WILL PREVAIL!!!

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