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Tomorrow 22/07 deckie spot


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Thinking of braving the wind and hitting the broadwater for australian salmon and maybe some trevally action if they are around.

Won't be anything too early, probably leaving northside brisbane at around 7:30-8am.

Anyone interested in coming along?

Swing me a PM.

Cheers, Jeremy

PS what lures/bait do aus salmon like?

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Slack at the river mouth today, spent a lot of time drifting about luggage point trying to castnet livies, the mullet were all huge and i could find any of the 150mm sorta size, all 300mm+

Watching them piledrive the steel into the mud around luggage point was interesting.

Bounced a plastic around the dredge near the rock wall at the front and i think a tailor hooked up then dropped me after a brief run.

Went to the rock wall oppposite the tugs at two spots and only had one pilchard taken from me in an hour or so.

Once the tide started going out with the wind the river flattened out nicely for a smooth ride home at least.

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