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In need of a Physio after Yesterday


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Decided to drop the pots and go for a fish at Harries yesterday. Headed off into a very sloppy swell which made the ride out slower than usual but as the sun came up it flattened out.

Dropped the anchor upcurrent of the Tiwi Pearl and started some some burleying to see what was around. I had the TLD 20 out the back with a light weight and a whole squid and also some heavier lines down lower.

Just after 6.30 the TLD starts gooing absolutely mad - line is screaming out at an alarming rate and the rhino stick is nearly bent in half. Obviously a big fish on so down to business of bringing it in.

I did not realise how big this fish was - I ended up slowly putting full drag on and it was still taking line at it's leisure. At this point I though a very big kingy, cod or shark. Turns out my last guess was correct - it was a shark - a very big shark!!!

For the next hour and twenty Craig (my decky) and myself fought this thing. It was a massive battle with all our hard earned gains getting taken away when the fish decided it did not like the sight of the boat. Having no Gimbal was a pain as was sitting on an easky battling this thing!

FInally after a final run the beats came to the surface about 70 metres away - obviuosly as tired as we were. After a final skull drag to the side of the boat a big silver shaoe emerged - eitehr a bronze or dusky whaler some 8 - 9 foot in length. Brought back the phrase from Jaws - we are going to need a bigger boat!!

Obvisouly it was not happy to be there some after a couple of big thrashes of the tail the line broke and it was off - but I would call thing my new PB and also the best battle with a fish I had ever had!

Finished the day with a good brace of Whiting (from just east of Harries in 15m of water), countless small snapper (all released) and a feed of Sandies so all in all whilst no massive fish to bring home a truely great expereince!

Once I get the video off the phone and edited I will post this up.

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good stuff om the shark blair. i would say it was a dusky whaler as the bronze whaler is mainly found in cooler waters from coffs harbour and south. the further you go south, the more common they get.

they pull hard dont they, what pound line bud.

Kurt I was fishing with a TLD 20 on a AusTackle Rhino Stick (15kg rated I think - great rod BTW) with a 60lb Black Magic Tough Trace and 4/0 Gangs.

Was very impressed the Tough Trace lasted the fight - big fan of the Black Magic stuff

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Awesome report!!! I'm can't wait to watch the video! :woohoo: :woohoo:

It will be mostly of us winding in but some good hookup action :cheer:

do we get to see the dusky in the vid

Kurt it is from the iPhone so pretty shakey and no zoom we did get a chance to film as we got it to the side - we were a bit busy trying to control it - had a bad temper!!

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