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Bust offs Galore


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I hit the Coomera last night chasing sharks and jacks.

I put out some fw eel for the sharkies and through a popper around on the surface

as the sun went down. Was pretty quite. :unsure:

Once darkness set in I dropped the popper in favour of some big strips of mullet

and then it was GAME ON! :woohoo:

Nonstop action for about 2hrs, both rods going off at the same time on quite a few occasions and not knowing which one to grab as they both had big baits.

I missed alot of runs with no hookup but the first hookup on the mullet I brought it in about 5m from shore and it rubbed through my 10 lb leader. Prediction was jack.

Next was the 40 lb set up with eel. Very suttle ticks over on the drag a few times as if it was just a crab. Then it took off in a big way, I flicked over the drag and got a few wiwinds and it dropped it. Damn! Through it back out and same sort of bites again but this time I hooked up solid. I couldnt beleive my eyes when I got it in as it was not grey as expected but was RED! :woohoo: This was on eel! 45cm Jack!

After that the hits and runs were explosive and long but I failed to bring any to the shore. I am sure I missed maybe 3 more jacks and a really good shark but thats how it goes.

Was pretty happy to get the one jack and I am sorry but this one is going on the barbie!

Cant wait to hit it again tonight!

Cheers Rob


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