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Something for the holidays


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:S :ohmy:


Two young men have been killed in a high speed car crash on Riverside Drive in Perth.

Police say a Commodore crashed into a palm tree on the median strip just after 1:00am.

The car burst into flames and the driver, 20-year-old Tom Dymond from Muresk, was incinerated in his seat.

His 19-year-old passenger, Shaun Payne from Northam, was thrown from the vehicle and died at the scene.

The vehicle was split down the middle on impact and parts of the car were found 75 metres up the road.

Police say they have no doubt speed was a factor in the crash as there were no skid marks at the scene of the accident.

Acting Sergeant Allan Mawdesley from the Major Crash Unit says it was a horrific scene.

"It was a very severe crash with the vehicle having split in two," he said.

"This is probably the worst I've ever seen."

He says police will investigate the cause of the crash.

"We need to look at a number of things, obviously speed is a factor, whether alcohol may have been a factor in this crash," he said.

"It is a tragedy this close to Christmas."

The Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan also says the crash was one of the worst he has seen.

"As soon as you see that picture you know that extremely high speed was involved and you suspect that alcohol and/or drugs might have been involved," he said.

"That's still to be confirmed but it's my bet that we'll find that at the post-mortem."

Police are hoping a camera at nearby Barrack Street may help determine the speed the car was travelling at before it hit the tree.

Mr O'Callaghan says the crash highlights the need for motorists to heed the Christmas road safety message and slow down.

But, he says the death toll keeps rising.

"There is no doubt in my mind that a number of families who have loved ones with them today will not have loved ones with them on the first of January," he said.

The deaths take the state road toll for the year to 174.

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Well I'm going to stick my neck out here and mention that statistically there are no more deaths at Christmas than any other time of the year despite the greatly increased numbers of vehicles on the road and the generally far greater distances travelled.

In fact, over the 2010 15 day christmas period (24/12 - 7/1) there were only 36 deaths compared to an average of 56 deaths for the year over the same 15 day period.


2009 was about average with 64 deaths over the christmas period with a yearly average of 62, so a very minor difference.

Year to date road statistics shows a 4.6% decrease in deaths, however November has not been a good month with an increase of 9.8% compared to the average over the last 5 years.

However deaths are very slowly reducing across the board. The 17-25 and 26-39 age groups have had big drops over the last year (13.7 and 13.6 repectively) so it's time we congratulated them and stopped giving them such a hard time.


All the statistics are readily available. Don't be fooled by the media telling you how we are all dying at a greater rate on the road then before because it simply isn't true.

Anyway, the propoganda videos put out by governments all around the world tend to always blame the motorist and not the pedestrian when in pretty much all the ads the incident could not only be prevented by the driver but also the pedestrian having a bit of common sence and actually looking for cars before stepping out from behind a van, pedestrian crossing or not!

Personally I see it's a tragedy all to readily blamed on motorists simply because they are such an easy target.

That commodore pic is a shocker, but again was the pic taken after the fire brigade have ripped the thing apart with the "jaws of life" or actually how the car stopped?

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as a younge fella, i can remember my dad being called out at all time to crash sites. he used to invesrtigate how and why it happened.

he used to take very graffic pics and he used to show me some of them to try and trum into me what can happen when you mix speed, alcohol, wet road ect and believe me it worked.

i have lost 3 freinds to speed in the last 5 yrs. people think they can drive well for what ever reson and whether it be poor roads, inexsperiance or anything else, unfortuneatly people dont learn.

it only takes a split second and boom, your world is turned upside down.

be safe all

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Prawnhead, The article says it was ripped from the bingle.

I haven't yet looked at the stats but I'm sure it will show Christmas is above the average of low seasons, but may not be as high as other holiday periods like Easter which would bump the overall average. Whatever the case it makes sense to highlight the problem. :)

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