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Read and Unread Posts


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I will explain my idea and then you might tell me there is another way to search the posts to get the same result... but here goes.

On the right hand side, you have latests post, and I click on the 'more' link at the bottom to expand it. Once opened the post becomes read until I sign in again when they all become unread again even if there has been no new posts.

Could somehow it work that the post becomes read untill someone else posts to the thread and it then becomes unread again and returns to the top of the latest list. Would make it easier to keep track of posts.

I know it could be harder/impossible once I sign out and back in again for the site to know what I have read already, but during the course of browsing is it possible for them to flick back to unread?

You might say boot off it cant be done, or just click this and that and it will show you what you are explaining. Just thought it was an idea as there is a fair bit of 'chat' happening on the threads as the chat room is down.


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