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Somerset Redclaw


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H mate, just got back from there and there are heaps around, we did have a boat though.

We did get Redclaw in the shrimp traps of the bank on the northern side near the rock wall to the east of the ramp.

Best bait was rock melon, just had some for tea, beautiful,cheers wayne

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I listen to Dave Downey ( Nugget) on 4BC 1116AM for Freshwater/Saltwater Updates Fri 7-8pm / Sat 5-6am and Sunday 4pm.

If I heard right the Redclaw really Firing up in the the Somerset and Wivenhoe dams within the past week. A certain person had caught 370 Redclaw in a 12 hour period and please make sure that your pots are marked with your name and address

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