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Sushi anyone


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Just spent the day up at Mooloolabah, crap weather so didn't even get the rods out of the car!

but saw some commotion around one of the big fishing boats that was unloading their catch. Waited around to see what all the fuss was about and witnessed them hoist a nice size Tuna off the deck!

It was at this stage I realised my camera was still in the car! Damnit!

We waltzed into the co-op car park where they proceeded to weigh the monster.......317kg.

Unfortunately by this time it was already boxed so no photos.. But keep an eye on the local rags, as they had already caught wind of this awesome catch!


I know I said no photos, but I did manage 2 crappy ones. A nice photo of the box, and if you zoom in close enough, you can just make out the shoulders of the beast!

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