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First Bass on surface


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Been having a fair bit if luck lately fishing for Bass but arrived at my spot yesterday to find it running fairly chocolate brown but id been catching fish there so i threw the yak in and headed for a few likely spots. Well i threw everything i had all afternoon for not a bloody touch and was starting to think that the dirty water must shut them down. As the sun started going down i thought i might as well try the surface bite so i tied on a soft shell cicada and threw it at a likely looking spot and the thing moved barely an inch and something come flying out of the snag and tried to kill the poor lure but missed it, sweet these things work. I worked that snag for a while for no more results so moved along and found a small patch of grass where i swear i could see the grass being moved by a fish or something so i fired a cast in and let it sit for a few seconds, the instant i started winding a Bass was all over it inhaling the lure it one go. A short battle and my first surface Bass is in the net :) That was it for the night and i paddled back a happy man. A question for the Bass experts on here do they still bite when the water goes dirty or do they shut down?




Crappy pic but its the best i could manage

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congrats on the surface bass, when sub-surface fails topwater is always a good change up and can often outfish everything else B) as for the dirty water it can sometimes put the fish off but there is always a right lure for the job. In the chocolate i prefer dark coloured lures that make some noise like bibless minnows and loud rattlers

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With fast water or dirty water I tend to look for back eddies where the bass can sit and dive out when food goes past. As said before rattlers work well in dirty work so do bright coloured lures or vibrating lures like vibes,beetlespins blades and s/bates. You can also pick up bass where the fast water entering a pool slows down.

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