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27/07/12 50 fathoms


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Just a quick report and a few pics from a trip today with the crew from Fish the Deep Charters(Matt & AJ) Due to the weather conditions last saturday our trip was rescheduled today and thankfully the weather gods were smiling down on us, and the conditions were superb.

We left the dock at 530 and went straight to 24's which proved to be a great move by the skipper as we were straight onto some great hookups with some trag jew, squire and cobia being boated. Leaving this spot we embarked on capturing some live bait, before heading to some grounds between 24's and 50's which produced a nice string of Yellowtail kingies... Once at the 50's we were fortunate enough to bucket some pearl perch and larger specimens of the snappers.

In short it was a great day, with much respect for these guys running the charters. They really impressed me with little things- like the continues reminder of fishing for tomorrow and not even considering taking anything close to "just legal" as they kept on saying "drop that back for a better upgrade" and the immediate 'kill' of the fish by insertion of spike to brain. Only little things but really gave me an appreciation for these guys respecting and not ravaging the grounds which they work. Also, they were only too keen to give us a go at differing techniques and rigs, so we 'bottom bashed' for a bit and then 'floated baits' and set live baits. All requiring them to reset rods and gear on the fly and none of it seemed to bother them at all, just all in a day on the water. I really couldnt recommend these guys enough, and we had a great catch for the ten of us that went today(two shares in the pics, will put up pic of entire catch off boat later).

Anyways, for those interested in figures/statistics: (NB fish were weighed after being cleaned)

Kingfish 1 - 5.3kg; Kingfish 2 - 5.98kg; Snapper 1 - 3.5kg 68cm to the fork.

(The snapper will give some order of scale to the pictures, as I hadnt measured the kingies.)





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I think it was all the little things that made the day, catering was prepd servered and eaten on the run so as not to waste fishing time whilst on the marks and the "little kingies" on live baits were a standout! They where so awesome to catch....

Only minor negative I can mention is, that I really wanted a pearlie after hearing people talk them up as a quality eating fish... Guess I will just need to go again to try and bag one so I can cross it off the list.

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