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A week of fishing! (part 1 - Monday)


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Been a while since i posted but here it goes. Got a phone call from my cousin Jordan a while ago seeing if i'd take him fishing when he came up for a holiday from Melbourne. I started saving my brownie points and planned to take him fishing everyday for different species. Jordan loves fishing but being land based only in Melbourne he's only caught the small stuff eg. trout, redfin, carp and calamari.

Picked him up Monday morning, went home and got the yak ready for his first ever bass trip.

Launched at my secret spot, Jordy up the front and me paddling with my 4yo Jett in my lap. The water was so low in some places it was easier to just walk in the middle of the creek. 15mins into it Jordy's popper gets swiped next to the yak. I tell him to cast back to the same spot and do the same thing and this time he connects! A quick fight in the shallow water and out comes a healthy 400mm bass! This was 4cm bigger that what i have caught there and left Jordan smiling ear to ear! Couple of pics and Jett release's the fish.

As the sun starts to set Jordy catches another bass and is pumped to catch 2 bass in one trip on poppers. On the way back Jett decides to troll his popper and just as we are about to get out of the yak BOOF! Jett's yells he's on and quickly lands a bass on a trolled popper? A few pics and Jett releases his first ever bass!







Ps Tuesday's trip coming up shortly

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