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Sharking in logan 17/12/12


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tonight went sharking with my mate shane and my uncles chinese exchange student. shane got a massive hit with in the first 5 min of being there. it had so much power he was struggling to lift the rod. then it tail slapped him and busted off the leader. Next my uncles chinese exhange student Steve had his chance so i picked up the rod and set the hook for him as this was only his 2nd time fishing. He had a good 5 min fight and lands his first ever shark being an 80cm bully. he was over the moon cause in china catching sharks is illegal and heavily fined. then my rod went off and he tail slapped and broke the line. Shane then went i think this storms coming in quick might head home and literally as soon as he finished saying that my rod goes off. i set the hook and he starts jumping clear out of the water constantly had alot of fight in him. after about 5 min i get him in coming in about 80cm aswell. bloody good nights sharking i must say. we probs lost about 3 or 4 because the current was ripping through hard and tangled our lines bad at one stage.


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