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Lake Borumba


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A mate and I are headed to lake borumba this weekend and I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for lure colours and styles?! Any help is greatly appreciated! Mainly going to be chasing toga for three days up there, can wai to get my first! Thanks for your help :)

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hey man, me and dan fished it 2 weeks ago and the fishing was slow. dan got his only toga on a topwater jitterbug i think. i chucked tn60jackals all week catching 2 bass and a yellowbelly. i also hooked a nice toga but it threw the hooks. im not sure what its called but it is a clear jackal at the bottom with light green at the top... hope this helps

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topwater fishing might be fun but you get better hook ups fishing sub surface. I throw lures around that dive just under the surface. You still see the 'toga swipe at the lure and they are more likely to hook up than surface presentations. Often they throw the lure in the air or shake loose on the first jump.

I like using chubby style lures that dive to 1m and float on the pause. Green and red are my go to colours up there.

Good luck

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I got my 1 and only toga on a megabass pop-x. As tomca said, hook up rate isnt great, i got approx 5 hits but only hooked up once.

I fished with a mazzy pop over the christmas holidays and the sooties/tarpon/barra in the dams and fresh creeks around mackay loved them, they have a great action and will swim to about 30cm if worked, i found a slow roll with a few sublte twitches made the lure just break the surface and give off a great wake and worked a treat. The 70mm anthrax is supposed to be a killer for toga too.

Good luck, i look forward to the report!

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