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Are YOU doing it wrong.???

Bri The Pom

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Certainly Ted, low gear is extremely helpful. I won't deny there is a degree of "umph" required to wind in the line, particularly heavier lines under tension. Low gear helps this immensely. I caught my 10'6" Tiger on the

Still, I would argue the bulk of the strain (in any fishing) is in the handling of the rod. Aferall, we should all be doing the "pump and wind".

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Even though I tend to wind on the left most of the time, my heavy overhead outfit has 80lb line on it and wind right side. I find that you don't work a lure with subtle twitches so the rod handling is not as important, but it does seem much easier to have the reel braced against my left fore arm while winding with my right and leaning with the legs when the pressure is on and my back is burning.

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