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Correct way to hold flathead .


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The best way for me would probably be to have a wet towel under the whole of the fishes body while having a hand supporting its head and belly . This helps to prevent being spiked and the removal of protective slime off the fish.


louis B)

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Whether or not a wet towel wipes off more slime than a wet hand is interesting. I would have thought the towel could potentially cause more damage, especially if it is an old probably bacteria covered towel that has been lurking in the boat for a few weeks, or longer. On the other hand, sitting a large fish on a wet towel has got to be better for the fish than holding it up while trying to remove a hook. Plenty of room for injury to both the fish and angler there.

I tend to favour lip grippers these days on flathead along with another wet hand under the belly. Lip grippers aren't the most photogenic item, but I figure it is probably better for the fish than the 'gill pinch' grip. Reasonable size flathead can be thumb gripped too, if you are careful... You slip your thumb in the side of the jaw, avoiding the big teeth at the front of the top jaw. Hold on tight and it is a surprisingly secure grip. Best to get the hook out first though!

Turning a flathead upside down is a good way to get them quiet and settled so you can get the hook out. Being upside down seems to be so foreign to them that they don't know what to do and they mostly just sit still. It works pretty well with a lot of species actually.



Fish Head

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In the boat I dont hold them just leave them in the big environet, keepers get donged as I like to eat flappy's. If being released remove the lure with pliers put the net back in the water and they will swim out. In the yak big flappy's are a PITA, up to 60/65 or so grab them with the thumb in bum grip turn them over and take the lure out. Big ones.....................

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