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Kayak & Land Fishing Victoria Point QLD

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Hi everyone,


Moving to Victoria Point in a few weeks and haven't fished in a while - wanting to get back into it.

Intending to fish off Thompsons Beach area for a month or two, until I get my fishing kayak again.


A) any recommendations or tips for a newish fisher who uses bait - never got the hang of lures.

B) any tips for the area

C) any tips for setting up my kayak, wanting to get an electric motor & sounder for it too, but not wanting it to be too heavy for the kayak trolley as I am still building up muscle mass after surgery and I am on the smaller side for a woman haha.


Never caught a mangrove jack so that would be cool, but just anything would be great - chasing as a relaxing hobby and excuse to be on the water 🙂

Cooler months are coming up as well, should change a bit of the variety I am guessing. Will download the fish apps for checking size & ID sicne its been a while, and have willyweather for tide times.



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I don;t know if this is the right way to respond on this forum sorry haha. 

How far from viccy point would you say Coochie is via a electric propelled kayak ? Ive never had the privlege of going there, i know one motor i was looking at was like a 30 min lifetime on it, i suppose if i get a 3m kayak i can fit a bigger battery etc in there. I would buy a tinnie but i cant reverse the damn things!! 

Interesting as i havent usually had much bang for buck on cuttlefish in the past but that was msotly shore or estuary fishing. 



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Yep, that's the way to reply.

It is a stones throw from the ramp at Victoria Point, like a few hundred metres, Have a look on Google Maps. It's actually called Coochiemudlo Island. Pretty small, but a 30 minute battery would not be enough. Definitely look to up the battery amp hours to give yourself a few hours of moving and fishing. If cost isn't an issue, look at getting a lithium battery.

Reversing trailers is one of my least favoured tasks, but you would get better the more practice you have. Viccy Point ramp on the Coochie side is a long reverse, so I wouldn't practice there.

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You could easily paddle to coochie on the yak. 

Urban legends have people walking over there at low tide. 

Red beacon area on the NE side of coochie is worth a look.  



Bass in eprapah Creek, next to movie theatre. There's also a few ticks in there as well. Check yourself over after a visit. 

You could launch a kayak down the end of beverage road. 

There are jacks in there. Also big cod and a big groper.  Caught a few of its grand kids, but no chance turning it. Very pretty fish when juvenile though. 

Massive green zone at the mouth of eprapah Creek so be careful there. 



I've pinched this map from beacon to beacon. If you don't have a copy then... Here's a copy



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