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So from what I have been told after a long dry spell if we get rain the Mud crabs will be move closer to the mouths of the rivers.

I put this theory to test Saturday night with one of my sons James.

We managed 3 drops and caught 3 legal mud crabs. 1 was empty so he went back and 2 full crabs :cheer: In one of the pots we had 5 big jennies so they were moving more than previous trips. All up probably caught about 25 mud crabs for the 3 drops of 8 pots and 10 sandies all realised.



Due to the both crabs not being full I found them ordinary eating which is why I threw the other one back we caught Saturday morning. I now know how to tell if they are full ;)

Oh the only down side was I lost a pot. I really don't know how. We gps each pot as we dropped them and sat with them while we fished. I did not hear or see anyone else around. We went back over all gps marks 4 times just in case we had missed one. It was an expensive pot with float clips etc $85 dollars worth. So if any finds a pot marked with Palmer on the float and wants to return it there is a reward waiting :)

Happy crabbin.


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