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Bush Bashing for Bass


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I hadn't been out for a creek fishing session for quite a while now so yesterday I decided to head out and see how the local bass population was faring. I was really pleased to see that the recent rain had cleared up the previously scummy and quite unhealthy looking water. The only problem with all of the rain was that the grass was over head high and everything was extremely overgrown!

Once I arrived at the first hole I hooked up to a nice fighting bass on my first cast! It's always a sign of great things to come! After releasing the first fish I put in another cast but to my right which resulted in another hit and another fish! It was really good to see both big bass but also small bass in this hole!

And it was even better to see that he had a shrimp right down his gob and yet he still decided to hit my lure :lol:


After another cast with no fish I changed lure (I know not very persistent right :P). I only changed lures as I wanted to try a few new American lures. I tied on one of my Diawa Dr Minnows that is a very shallow diving lure. I decided to retrieve this just like the OSP bent minnow so I twitched it so it just darted underneath the surface. This proved to be a bass lolly as I landed a bass on my first and third cast! At this stage I was over the moon as before the rain I would have been lucky to land 3 or 4 fish for the whole session!



I then changed back to my OSP, caught another bass and then decided to move on to the next hole! On my way to the next spot I stopped at a few small pieces of water than now had some flow. I have caught bass at this spot every time I have been here even though it is only a few metres wide and long with my biggest 47cm bass coming from there! It didn't disappoint and I managed a lovely bass from there. I have found that I really have to creep up to this spot and have a cast while standing a few metres away from the bank as they are very easily spooked.


I then got another nice bass from a small pocket of water!


And then I got another nice bass from one of my favourite holes. I was actually very surprised to see some scum still on the surface there. I decided that I should also try a zman frogz so after a few casts with that and a missed hit I thought I better change back to a non weedless style lure.


After another few bass I hooked up to a really big 45ish bass. I managed to get this fish up onto the bank and had my fingers on the lure. As I was going to slip my thumb into its mouth it went absolutely berserk and I instinctively let go of the lure. As my line tightened and it dived for cover under the bank my line touched a log just under the surface and my line parted :S I didn't managed a picture of the bass either.

It was an awesome session though as I landed 9 bass and hooked about 3 more!


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