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Moreton Bay Sunday


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Moreton Bay Sunday.

Had an early one on Sunday getting on the water at 3.45 which means a 1.30am start from where I live.

The plan was to fish for snapper along Scarborough before heading over to Moreton Island to fish other reefs and the beacons.

I haven't had much success with catching snapper so far, but like any form of fishing it may take a few sessions to get the hang of it.

Drifting around fishing plastics got my mate Liam a bite on his light outfit and he brought in the first snapper for my boat. Only 45cm but better than a donut!



I say that because that was the only fish boated for the rest of the day. Moreton didn't produce for us and the 10-13 knot constant wind was very annoying. Back to the ramp at 1pm after a terrible trip across the bay.

So yeah, a pretty crappy day in the end. There's always next time :)

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Any tailor surface action around at sunrise Sam? And when you are drifting and flicking plastics for snapper do you have a deadsticked plastic out the back? I lurk on Ausfish and a couple of blokes who seem to do well at Mud regularly seem to pick up a fair portion of their catches due to the deadstick out the back - might be worth a try.

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Nice squire. Good squire have totally eluded me this year.


That makes at least 2 of us, Angus. Resorting to a charter next Friday (21 August) to up my catch rate. Spots available on the boat. If anyone is interested, please pm me.

Who you going with Steve? I can't go, but good luck, hope you get your fix (and fillets ...).

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