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Lowrance Elite-4 HDI Combo


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What's your budget, and what are you looking at using it for? ie. what style of fishing do you do?

I have an Elite-7 and it is fantastic, I love it. Lowrance, for me, are simple and easy to use, yet still pack the necessary hardware to do the job right. In saying this most brands out there are good, it's just what you're used to and like. Go into a tackle store and play with the buttons and menus on different ones and see which one you like. There's no point in going with one with the best review, if you can't seem to get your head around how to use it properly.

The only thing however with combos when you're running split screens, the size is halved. If I had the money, I'd always opt for the biggest screen you can if you're going for combo unit. I'd imagine on the 4, the split screen would be really rather tiny. Good luck!

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Cheers for your reply Tybo. My budget is around $500 mark. I went into BCF and had a look at the Lowrance Elite-4 HDI Combo and the screen is bigger than i thought and easy to use. I only have a 4.3mtr boat so it will be a good size to start with..

Cheers mate.

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