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Seq Water Recreation Newsletter.march 2016


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Seqwater Recreation Review Newsletter - March 2016

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Kids will be kids!


We recently installed a softfall rubber surface underneath the playground at Hinze Dam.


This addition to the playground will allow younger visitors to Hinze Dam to learn and play safely, while reducing those bumps and bruises from falls. Parents and guardians are reminded to always supervise your children when using the playground. We want all our visitors, including the teeny tiny ones, to make it home safely!


Ornamental Wetlands to receive amenity block


A new amenity block will be built at the Ornamental Wetlands parkland area at Ewen Maddock Dam as a result of increased visitation to the site. This project is being implemented with the support of the Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing.


The Ornamental Wetlands, off Steve Irwin Way, is situated beside the recently established Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) mountain bike trail network. For further information on the QPWS mountain bike trails, please contact QPWS directly on 13 74 68.


Update on access to Lakes Maroon and Moogerah


We looked into establishing a new boat ramp at Lake Maroon, but unfortunately no feasible site can be located.


Two potential sites were identified and investigated. The first site, at the Day Use Area, was not suitable due to proximity to the intake. A survey of the second potential site, located on the southern side of the lake off Burnett Creek Road, indicated significant works and funding would be required to construct a suitable and functional boat ramp. As a result of these investigations, we won’t pursue a new boat ramp at Lake Maroon.


We are investigating possible improvements in the Scenic Rim area including undertaking an options analysis for changes to on-water access at Lake Moogerah. We will keep you updated as further information comes to hand.


Play it safe outside and win!


With only a few warm months left, time near the water is still high on our list of fun things to do. Our dams, lakes and parks provide some of the most enjoyable locations to swim, boat, fish and picnic in South East Queensland. With thousands of Queensland families, schools, sporting groups and recreation clubs escaping the Queensland heat at local lakes and dams, it’s important to remember to play it safe.


While there is a serious side to safety, we also want you to have fun. That’s why we launched www.safey.com.au – a competition that encourages you to take a selfie while playing it safe.


You can take a #safey by yourself or in a group, but remember, you must be having fun and playing it safe for your entry to count! The better your #safey relates to the Seqwater Play it safe advice, the greater chance you have of winning a weekly GoPro Hero4 Action camera (value $299) or a fortnightly BCF gift card (value $1,000). For some #safey inspiration check out the gallery of entries already received


For more information go to www.safey.com.au and hurry – the competition closes on 10 April!


Clean Up Australia Day


On Tuesday 1 March 2016, Seqwater staff from Hinze Dam and North Pine Dam donned their gloves and boots to take part in Clean Up Australia Day!

Our crews live and work in the region, and recognise the importance of keeping our catchments clean. We collected more than 200kg of rubbish from around Hinze and North Pine Dams including tins, bottles, chairs, fishing products, tyres, drums, a mattress and plenty more! The majority of the retrieved products are now headed for recycling.

An audit was conducted on the waste collected during the Hinze Dam event. The baseline audit involved segregating and sorting the waste into different categories, giving us an insight into what type of waste is being left around our catchments. Future audits can identify patterns and give us the ability to focus campaigns to reduce waste in our catchments.

So next time you are in or around one of our lakes, remember to do your bit to keep our catchments clean by disposing of all waste in the correct manner.


Visitors of many kinds        


Visitors to our lakes and parks are reminded that creatures of another kind may call that area home. Our recreation areas and catchment land are abundant with an array of wildlife including koalas, birds, insects, lizards and more!


The continued health of Queensland’s waterways is vital. Maintenance of water quality, aquatic biodiversity and habitats is critical for ecological, economic and social wellbeing. It is important we look after these areas including disposing of all rubbish, not touching or taking any animals and staying on designated trails and paths.


Want to enjoy the region’s biodiversity? Why not take a trek and go bird watching and record how many species you can see, or take a quiet paddle around the lake and view the various water birds and insects at play. To find out which lakes permit bushwalking and paddling, visit the Seqwater website.


Dam Improvement Program


Somerset Dam will be upgraded as part of the Dam Improvement Program to ensure the dam meets national and state safety standards into the future. This will be the first upgrade since the dam was completed in 1959. Until the scope is determined and works can begin, Somerset Dam will be lowered to 80% as a precautionary measure so the dam can continue to safely operate.


Recreation on Somerset Dam will still be available, however access at some sites may be affected. This includes the Westvale Road boat ramp. Due to the reduced water level, the ramp is currently closed to trailerable vessels, however the launching of paddle craft and shoreline fishing remain permitted. The nearest alternate boat ramp is located at Kirkleagh, Hazeldean.


Visit the Seqwater website for further information about the Dam Improvement Program. 


Did you know.....


Still water can still be risky. According to the Royal Life Saving National Drowning Report 2015, 37% of drowning deaths occurred in inland waterways between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2015. This is more drowning deaths than at beaches (20%) and ocean/harbour locations (13%) combined.


Be responsible for your safety – wear a lifejacket next time you visit a Seqwater lake near you.

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