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Easter Reports

Old Scaley

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Righto, let's hear about your Easter exploits.  I'll kick it off. Went out from Port of Brissie on Saturday.  Mid morning start. Ramp not too busy and some parks left. Bonus. :D . Decided to give the nursery at Mud a go.  My only 2 marks there looked like pop-up boat yards so I settled in a new spot that had a wire weed bottom.  Nice burley trail, some fresh mullet and pillies and a soft plastic all working hard, but only returned a few undersized parrot and sweeties.

Then moved closer to the reclaimed land to snag one flattie about 48 cm on the plastic, a sand crab on some fresh caught grinned and heaps of little sharks around the 60cm mark.  Kept 2 sharks, the flattie and crab for a feed, then off the water again by 1.30. Beautiful day out. Sorry no photos.

Who else has been out?

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47 minutes ago, Angus said:

Report coming soon. Average report as crowds and a kayak paddle breaking foiled most plans but a couple lf fish none the less.

What sort of sharks..?


Little bullies I think, Angus. My nephew was with me and he hooked quite a big wobbie but it broke the leader before we could get a really good look at it.  Even those little bullies have sharp teeth. We lost more than we caught.  They were moving around in at least one school because we would have double hookups then nothing, then doubles again.  Good fun on lighting gear.

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I'll hopefully be able to write something containing a few fish early next week - we are at Noosaville til Monday. Got a 39cm mullet in the castnet this arvo with the kids - they were impressed!!  A guy yesterday had a mullet and four very nice whiting from castnetting the same area so perhaps I don't need rods .......  My 13 month old had a great time harassing the herring in the bucket - amazingly not one single one died despite being plucked out of the water by his fist on multiple occasions. 

Have decided to convert half of the mullet into flesh baits tomorrow morning at Sunshine Beach (never fished there ...) in the hopes of tailor, bream or otherwise dart. To be continued ..... :) 

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