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Bay Mixed Bag: Friday April 22nd


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Headed out with Shane ( @Ovington) yesterday(thanks very much again mate for the deckie spot). We had a loose plan that just involved some shallows fishing in the bay for bream and maybe a tailor and squire or two. To be honest I was not to fussed as being a Friday i would usually be at work so bring on anything!

Day started well with some different species coming in with the rising sun...


All the while we were getting snipped a fair bit by what we assumed were pike or tailor which was annoying me as I can usually pin either in the lip the majority of the time even on light gear (a necessity fishing the rocks at straddy). However @Ovington finally connected and stuck to produce this 55cm school mack. The way a few other bait fish were shooting around I think there may have been a few but we did not find them again...


After that we took the surface approach in the shallows as the tides had changed and the water was running off the flats...  This produced many more fish including flatties, dart, bream, and other randoms like wrasse, pike etc. The pictures are a bit skewed because we stopped taking bream pics but Shane smashed me on this account with well over a dozen bream landed on chubbies and sugar pens..


There were a fair few of these guys around and we each had a bit of fun with them as bycatch... 


At one point Shane had a nice calamari follow his chubby so on went the squid jigs quick smart. I dropped my first but then we scored a double hook up. Decent size and fat. A great compliment to any fish dinner :) These were on the daiwa "naked" jigs which seem to be really durable without the outside skin to get damaged but great finishes.


Overall a pretty epic day on the light gear and cannot wait for the next round.

A very satisfying meal to end out a big days fishing...

Mixed squire, flathead fillet with a side of calamari :)



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52 minutes ago, Ovington said:

Fun session and the weather sure turned it on for us! Glad i ended up with my squid and flathead for dinner. You should have got a pic of that squid inking aha had to do a special wash for those clothes hah.

Still feeling bad about that! Perfect imperfect timing!

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