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Wind ? What Wind ? NPD 25/4/16


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Went to NPD with Cameron this morning with the main purpose of the trip being to demonstrate my new I pilot.

Launched and turned it on and when I tried to deploy the motor it just beeped at me and refused to budge.

Quick phone call and was told to unplug it and turn it on again and hit the on button 3 times in quick succession.

Well I did that and still nothing so I considered hitting it harder with a sledge hammer but settled for beeping at it.:no:

So with only the stern motor and no spot lock we headed off and tried tieing off to a couple of trees and leaving the wind carry us out over the edge of drop offs and we only managed spanglies or forkies.

We moved out into the wind and dropped the pick and slowly built up a succession of fish with Cameron pleased to catch his first yella and tandan.

The wind really got up around 11 am so we pulled the pick and headed home with a respectful tally of fish with the best bass only 38cm but only 3 undersize.

Cameron now has an excuse to come out again after my motor is repaired.

Apparently it is a known problem with magnets falling out and they only have to be glued into place and this will happen tomorrow.










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