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Bass, Where Art Thou Bass .....


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Ummmmm, evidently not at the Brissie River Mouth. But 4 species out of 5 for the Suburbs of Origin comp was a welcome outcome. Got the OK to head off late arvo - unfortunately didn't quite get out to the front rockwall before dark after fueling up and quickly castnetting at the poop schute (quite a few netting there - lots of small prawns as well as some garfish which I was happy about). Was hoping to have a bit of a look around for any tailor on the surface.

Anchored up near the dredge with a bit of activity on the sounder, threw out a half gar on two ganged hooks and chucked it in the rod holder and then live prawn on my other rod. Got a 41cm tailor soon after on the gar rod and then a 30cm bream on the prawn so things were looking good. I hadn't fished this area in absolutely ages so was unsure how the fishing would be nearing the top of the tide.  Things then went quiet with plenty of hits on the gar rod but no hook ups and plenty of small squire, moses perch and a couple of small bream on the prawns. Also got a small shovelnose on the gar rod. 

Decided to move so sounded along the rockwall to the point but there were probably 10 boats in that stretch (a couple without lights on!!) so went back to s section about halfway along where I'd spotted a bit of stuff on the sounder and anchored up.  Same system as before with lots of action on the gar rod but no hook ups - then whilst I was putting a new bait on I'd miss a run on the other rod. Eventually remembered the reel on the prawn rod was a baitrunner so this time I lay it down in baitrunner mode whilst I was busy and zzziinnng on - just a bream, amazing how fast they move when there is no resistance!!  Tide had started to move a bit so decided to just concentrate on using one rod and had an absolute ball - continued using the baitrunner mode and started using cubes of pike with runs every single cast. Got a much faster run, hooked up and a 45cm squire goes into the net - you beauty!! Two more bream plus a 28cm squire that I thought was another decent one but turned out it had been hooked near the bum region - amazing how hard they go in this situation although we'd no doubt be a bit stirred up also!! Also got a 42cm flathead so some good variety - this was caught when I used some tentacles off one of the squid I'd caught on a previous trip.  Tried this again with one run, then quiet for a few minutes so decided to go back to pike.

Keen to use pike more as bait - will probably fillet next time if the bream outnumber the squire as I think I could have converted a lot more hook-ups (in hindsight ..) with a smaller bait.

Two good/fun sessions in a row - wonder how long it can continue.  Cheers for reading and go the Southsiders!!


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Cheer Angus - yeah I definitely like my night sessions in the river. Did heaps of them the first few years having the tinny. Am finding with the second child that they are harder to get the energy to do, as well as having to muster the energy for all the school work that gets done at home.  Just need to sneak in daytime sleeps to help make them happen - often easier said than done ....

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Forgot to mention the funny ending to the night. Back at the ramp I walked up to my car and there was a caravan hooked up to a car set up right beside mine. I put my bag on the wheel arch of the trailer so I could get my keys out, and could hear a squeaking noise and was puzzled (due to tiredness ...) as to what it was. Then I realised it was the caravan 'rocking' ........... I normally run my wire winch cord down to the end of the trailer and hook it up so that it is there ready when I put my boat on the trailer ..... hmmm perhaps I should just do it down at the ramp and leave them to 'get back to it' ...... hmmmm nup, stick to routine :) My squeaking winch stopped their 'squeaking' momentarily ......... :whistle: 

So I wasn't the only one that 'scored' that night ;)

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19 hours ago, tugger said:

Great feed there Kelvin you carried the southsiders this weekend with a good all round catch

Cheers Mark - I seem to have a lucky knack of having uncharacteristically good fishing days when BFO events are on (ie. Longtail tuna on a sneaky ganged pilly .... :)). I'll be interested to try the same approach at the river mouth on a different moon phase to see if I can get consistent success. Really keen to catch some more squire/snaps now!!  Will have to get the old fellas boat out for a run next holidays also - been too long but boy life is busy with a second child!!

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