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Prfma Tagging Day 2 NPD 12/6/16


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Another great day today another 150 odd fish by 9am after a 6.30 launch.We ran out of bait just before 9 and then trolled for a couple of hours for another 3 fish so called it a day at 11am which I was happy to do after fishing for 5 days out of the last 6. I must be getting a bit soft in my old age.;)

When we started to get low on shrimp Charley switched over to a blade and was getting a few bass but no where near the catch rate of the live shrimp.

At one stage I heard his drag working and looked up and saw a big smirk on his face and a good bend in his rod and thought a big forky and told Mark to grab the net,

Next thing a huge lungy surfaced and we realised it was way too big for the net. We all called it for at least 1.2m long

As we did not wish to release it with a blade in its mouth we tried to get it to the side of the boat and at the last moment it made a final lunge and broke the leader.


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I must be the worse photographer going. The number of times the fish was on the surface and i missed it every time.

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Ferg and I only got 30 odd shrimp out of our pots last night, so figuring that would do nicely until the wind got up, we took our time getting out there. Last boat to launch I think.

Ferg was determined to try and find a lure that worked as well as live shrimp, so when we got in to position over a school of fish he ran every lure in his tackle box, twice, he got one fish on a G Vibe, I got 25 on bait........ then when my bait ran out I got a nice one on a cotton cordell, but the wind got up and the school moved on not long after, so we decided to troll back to the ramp trolling a variety of lures

The fish didn't mind trolled lures, really anything we put out there got a fish, I think we got 1 or 2 fish on each lure we tried. Something like another 10 or so on the way back to the ramp, came in just behind Ray, on the way home by 11 after a yarn at the ramp with Stephan and Charlie.

A Couple of photo's.  didn't bother with many today, got enough photo's yesterday!

frog lure.jpg


cordell lure.jpg

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