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Coomera Canal Breamming


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Hi Guys,


Fished the canals in Coomera, land based on Saturday for bream. I started the morning top water, launching sammy's and ecogear walk the dog styled shrimp. I have quite a few follows but no takers, the water was very clear and the sun was very bright so not sure if this had something to do with it. I switched tactics and fished tiemco stick minnows and crazy crabs underneath marina's and jetty's. again a few touches but couldnt hook up.

About 10am i switched tactics and fished pink grubs just sub-surface. i had bream show immediate interest but get this, on only one side of the canal....i reckon the bream on the other side had fallen for the old pink grub a few days before lol. I found some bigger fish amongst the smaller ones and when retrieving, the larger would also hang behind the small. i ended up dead sticking one after a few retrieves and watched a good sized bream stare at the lure for good 10 seconds, he finally decided to eat it!


The rest of the day, i found casting to larger bream i could already see feeding were the only ones interested. within the few hours i fished, i released 5 bream so it wasnt a particular successful day. 





pink grub bream 1.jpg

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