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New To Fishing Caboolture River


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On 29 January 2017 at 9:41 PM, jarrodlaw said:

Hey guys, just moved to Deception Bay and usually get out on the kayak. I've launched from Uhlmann road ramp and headed to Caboolture river and haven't had much luck. Anyone have any tips/suggestions?


Mate I have tried and tried that river without any luck. You hear of so many stories where large fish have come out but I have yet to catch anything but bull sharks in there. Would be interesting to hear from someone that actually does pull a few from there. I normally fish the bends on the beachmere road side.

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Always have good success on flatties there over bakers flats. Just upstream around king john creek where it is deeper can be very good for jew and threadies. As @Fishaman said watch the SEQFA threadfin and jew vids on youtube where they pull some very high quality fish from the river. Ive tried a few times and found them on the sounder but no fish landed unfortunately apart from good size flatties.

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Beena  couple of years since I left the Caboolture Boating and Fishing club (their grounds in front of the phone tower next to the shooting club) so have not fished the river much since, so this advice is a little old.


Right in front of the ramp is the big sandbar, great for flatties. Do drifts along the main river side of it casting, or even troll along it.

to the left there is a channel that runs behind a little island when tide is in (mud flat low tide) where that channel opens up in to the river is good for bream when they are in the mood

Further upstream is a deep channel over the right alongside the island, it can fish well for bream. The downstream mouth of the channel that comes out of the island is a good flattie spot ion the run out.

UIpstream on the left here it starts to shoal and eventually the whole river shoals right out and becomes what is known as bakers flats on the bend - which extends right up and around the corner. Good for flatties and whiting.

Once around the corner there is a channel that runs along the left bank until you get to the old caboolture river boat club boat ramp. I have caught Jacks along here, but not many, good for bream.

Mouth of King John creek is a little further up on the right, good for bullies on the drop off. Told also good for prawns right time of year. Never went much further upstream than that. If you go far enough upstream in king john creek to get to the road bridge, there have been some good jacks pulled out of there.

Downstream from the ramp on the RHS is the area they call the cockle banks, with a couple of deeper holes, that can fish well at times. Left side is a big bank, drift along it for chance of flatties and whiting. Never ventured further in to the bay.



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